
Mostrando las entradas de junio, 2019
A day in London You can visit London everyday, but if you will visit on wednesday (full day) you can visit "The Madame Tussauds" in the morning starting 10 am on the Marylebone road station, the entrance fee is 24.50 (pounds sterling). Also, in the afternoon you can visit "The Tate Britain" on the Millbank road station, the entrance is free, yeah!! Totally free!! If you decide stay 2 half days more in London, you can visit on thursday  in the mording " The Tate Modern", the entrance is free too. At the next day, you can visit the "London zoo" in the morning, the entrance fee is 22.90 (pound starling) and the location is on the Mornington Crescent road station. If you will visit this 4 places, you will cost 27.4 (pounds sterling)!! SO ENJOY THE TRAVEL!!!

Social architecture

The architecture that I like most is the one that has a social focus, this means that the whole construction responds to the basic needs of the people, the welfare of the community, improving living conditions and even helping to take care of the environment (architecture sustainable) This is a very general type of architecture, so it is very difficult to find "its creator" (possibly at the beginning it was a group of people with intentions to help the neediest). The location of the social architecture does not exist (for the same reason mentioned above), but I can mention some examples recognized worldwide. One of them is the Parametric Hospital in Puyo (Ecuador), the Plan Selva (Peru), Minga Valpo in Valparaíso (Chile), and many more. Since I was a child I was very interested in helping people, and I firmly believe that architecture is an excellent means to achieve my purpose and that it is carried out through social architecture.                        

My favourite photo

Yesterday I went to walk with my friend to the neighborhood of Lastarria and then to the Forest Park, so we sat on the floor and the result was this photo. Some houses in the neighborhood of Lastarria showns . I took this picture because I love the architecture of this building, especially the curves on the balconies (this I love). In addition, the games of lights and shadows are really incredible for me (this fact has always caught my attention). I think that the angle of the photo gives more drama to the scene, the colors are very special, but I must confess that I changed some things of the photo (like the exhibition, the contrast, the tone of the light and the quality).